Sponsor a cage, save a life!
Kennel Sponsorship
Is volunteering, adopting or fostering not an option for you? You can still support our shelter by sponsoring a dog kennel a cat cage, or both! Becoming a sponsor is a great opportunity for individuals, families and organizations to honor or memorialize a loved one or pet or to simply display your business/organization. You can publicly show off your support, generous heart and love for animals! An engraved plaque acknowledging the sponsor/donor will hang for 1-year after installation. For more information, please email ardmoreanimalcare@gmail.com
Special Events
Doggy Daycation

Take our dogs out on a "doggy daycation"! You can take our dogs out to pet friendly places like Starbucks for a pup-cup or to the lake to play in the water! This is a great way to get our dogs out of the shelter, even for just a day. We ask that you feature them on your social media to spread their face and help us find them a furever home! Doggy day-cation is available 10-3, Monday-Friday and some Saturdays!
Please contact us at 580-223-7070 for more information!
Is your pet missing?
Petco LoveLost
We hope your pet never goes missing but if it happens, use Petco LoveLost! All animals that enter our shelter as a stray found are featured on this website; this is a great and convenient way to stay on top of searching for your missing pet. However, we always urge you to come to our shelter in person to look for your missing fur baby as well.
Interested in
volunteering? Email ardmoreshelter
Join our foster family!
Email ardmore
to learn more.
From adoption cost to
when you can drop off...
All your questions
answered here.


"This adorable white dog shows up one day on the Ardmore Shelter Facebook page. I am just smitten. He'd been through so much in his short life and the Ardmore Animal Shelter staff loved him back to health."





The shelter takes in around 3,000 animals each year.
The number of animals adopted since opening the shelter in 1985.
is the typical cost for the shelter before an animal is adopted.
Volunteers give over 1,500 hours each year, but more are needed.
        Home for the holidays is starting now!